And he won an award!

The award was for 3 years of being a great role model and all around enthusiastic person in regards to music!
The Caption on the Plaque was Esprit de Corps Award! Great job Paul, you guys did great!
Yesterday was salad club! I made sure my camera was fully charged to take pics! There were TONS of great stuff to eat. Tomatoes, fresh greens from someone’s garden, cucumbers, strawberries, apples, toasted flax seeds, banana chips, etc..!! So good!
This was my friends salad, so yummy!
And, a co-worker of mine who sits with us but brings his own food (and who shall remain nameless!) ate this while we ate salad!

We were laughing so hard at what he was eating during salad club!

I thought the whole show was great. I totally forgot that we were supposed to vote for Daris or Koli!! I kind of knew people would vote for Daris because they felt sorry for him after he struggled going home.
The MOMS looked awesome, Michael’s Mom, Daris’ Mom, and Ashley’s MOM looked SO MUCH YOUNGER! Darrell looked great too, as well as Sunshine and O’Neal!
What was your favorite part? Do you think they wear something like SPANX under their weigh in stuff, because no one had any bumps or lumps or anything!
It was definitely a great show last night! It’s amazing how these people can change so much in 8 months!!
LOL I totally thought that about spanx for alot of them, one or 2 had some bumps. Congrats to Michael I just wished I believed he could keep it off. I seriously thought he and Ashley would have a couples announcement. Darrel was the biggest shocker WOW.
Congrats to your son.
I thought this was the most inspirational final of them all. O’Neil has a place in the world now… Old does not mean you have seen your best days. I do hope we have not seen the last of him. And I was wondering what was up with that white rose as well. I feel set up with that move.
As to the spandex… OF COURSE. We watch them weigh in for months shirtless and/or in jog bras. Suddenly, all the skin left from 200 plus pound weight loss is held in all the right places.
The real story to ponder was O’Neil and Michael. Their life had reached a period. Now they have removed that period and the best is coming.
Your son is such a cutie and you can totally tell that he and Hannah are cousins! Great job with the award – Paul obviously has been a huge asset to the music program – congratulations to him!
Thought the BL finale was great except for weirdo Koli. NEVER thought Michael would look so good!
Congrats to Paul! How very proud you should be!!!
I was so happy Michael won but looking at his family (again) I just wonder if he can keep it off. And I did think he and Ashley seemed to flirt a lot!! I loved the moms plus Oneal. Was totally shocked by Darrell — he did so much better than his daughter!
On a note about your salads, if you go to farmer’s market this weekend, Bree will be there with cheerleaders for one thing and two, we went last weekend and had microgreens — have you had them? If you go this weekend, check it out and let me know what you think. I will give you my quick version: I liked them there but did not like them when I tried to add them at home to pasta. See what you think. They were way too earthy for me : )
CONGRATS to Paul!! A role model award!!! That’s awesome! Is he planning to be a musician? USC has a good music program, hee hee.