How many of you weigh your food? I moslty do, but I will go a few weeks or a month without weighing just to see if I stick to what I think a portion is.
Today as I was putting my lunch together, I grabbed a zip-loc bag and put some pretzel nuggets in it to go with my sandwich today. I thought it looked pretty good, I didn’t even look on the package to see how many nuggets a serving was.
It said 30 grams was one serving, or 110 calories.
I took by ziploc bag and weighed it on the scale. 110 grams!! What I thought was 1 serving turned out to be over 3 and would have cost me 350 calories!! Yikes! I quickly remedied the situation, but I was so glad I checked.
I think a lot of times after you have been in weight loss mode, you get a little confident like you know what a correct portion is, so for the next few weeks I am going to be weighing everything, just to make sure I’m not going overboard!
Do you own a food scale and how often do you use it??
I weigh my food occasionally, but not as often as I should.
I own one and always weigh things like dry pasta, crackers, pretzels, nuts…it’s just too easy for me to go over on them!
I’m not very good at eyeballing and I refuse to let any weight creep back on so I still weigh everything I eat for now.
I have to admit i weigh or measure pretty much everything! I’m terrible at guessing.
I don’t own a scale and have never weighed my food. I usually go by the little estimation (ie: 19 crackers) for the serving size to get an idea for what the nutrition numbers was based on. I don’t really have a problem w/ snacking too much or over-serving myself. I usually just grab what looks good and eat until I’m satisfied. I HATE that feeling of being full and regretting you ate so much. I had a lot of stomach problems growing up, so re-living that nightmare of aches, pains, and wanting to vomit is nightmarish and I avoid it! haha
My food scale never leaves my counter pretty much because I also use it for recipes. But I agree, it’s easy for your eyes to have skewed vision and miscalculate – especially with things like chips, crackers, pretzels!
I own a Cuisinart scale and LOVE it! I use it everyday…for both our human food and for weighing the wet food for our furkids. I want them to be healthy too 🙂
Great point! I don’t own a food scale, but I know I should… I often count out chips, pretzels, etc., but I know food scale would be better.
Have a great weekend!