I am having so much fun meeting so many great people who have completely changed their lives and have lost weight and loving life now!
I would like to introduce you to Lisa, she’s lost 110 pounds and looks amazing!! Check out her site often to catch up on what she’s doing!!!
1). What was your “Aha” moment when you decided you needed to do something about your weight?
My real “aha” moment was when I did a Native American sweat lodge. I had a thought (maybe it was a “vision”?) that said “I MUST get healthy.” I ignored it for a few months and then my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic. I also had really high blood pressure and my doctor wanted to put me on medication for it. The idea of being diabetic scared me to death.
2). Had you tried to lose weight in the past – were you successful when you tried?
No, I had never really tried to lose weight before I began my journey in 2006. I sort of “half-assed” a workout regiment at Curves years ago. I actually gained weight while going to Curves. With my new-found wisdom, I realize that happened because I didn’t address my food issues and habits in tandem with a workout.
3). How do you find time for yourself to concentrate on losing weight?
In 2006 when I finally decided to get healthy, I was VERY determined. I did not waiver in my determination. My life revolved around losing weight. I had goals I wanted to achieve and I knew I could do them. I worked out after work a few times a week and on the weekends.
4). What kept you going? Were there times where you wanted to give up?
Positive reinforcement from friends and family definitely helped me stay motivated. The other factor was that I was seeing results! Good results! At no point did I ever want to give up. I was seeing progress and I happily got on the scale every week to check it! There were many plateaus that frustrated me but I kept at it.
5). How has maintenance been, is maintaining harder than losing weight?
It took me just under 2 years to lose 100 pounds. I’ve maintained my weight loss since then. I did go through a period last year where I gained 15 pounds because of a medication I was taking. I’m no longer taking that medication and I’ve lost 9 pounds since March of this year. The weight is coming off quickly and I know I will be back to my goal weight soon.
6). Did you exercise while losing weight, if so, what do you like to do for exercise.
When I first started my journey, I swam. That was the only form of exercise I got. I swam 2-3 times a week. It was a struggle. I’ve always loved swimming, so it was pretty easy to get back into it. I was slow, tired, easily worn out, and had to rest A LOT. I could only swim for about 20 minutes in the beginning. As I got better, I could swim more laps before having to rest, and then I could swim for a longer time too.
After I got better at swimming and lost more weight, I added more activities to my life. I spent a lot of time on the elliptical in the gym. Then I started running on the treadmill. And then I was running outside FOR REALS. 🙂
7). What are some tips that helped you a long the way?
Make small goals. My first goal was to lose 50 pounds before my brother’s wedding. I weighed in 50 pounds lighter one week before his wedding! Then I told myself I could lose another 25. When that goal was reached, I knew I could lose more! In the end I lost 110 pounds (10 more than my goal!).
8). Did you have people in your life that weren’t positive towards the changes you were making?
Yes. I lost a few friends. They were jealous, I think. I was no longer the “fat friend” that wasn’t any competition for them. I also lost a few “fat” friends. I believe it was because they didn’t want to make the same life changes as I did. Being friends with me reminded them of that, I suppose.
9). What was a typical eating day like when you were heavy?
I ate about 3500 calories a day or more, I think. Portion sizes were my downfall. I had no problem eating 1/2 a pizza in one sitting. I ate a LOT of desserts too. A carton of ice cream wouldn’t last more than a day or two in my house. I ate so much junk food. It’s amazing to me now!
10). What is a typical eating day like now that you are eating healthier?
I strive to eat 1590 calories a day. On days I exercise, I can burn an average of 500 calories, so I will eat more calories than the 1590. Some days, especially on long bike rides, I can burn over 2,000 calories. On days that I have an intense workout, I have to eat more calories to fuel my body. This is crucial to have a healthy body. Starvation does not work!
The most important thing I learned in my journey is EVERYTHING in moderation. Don’t deny yourself things, just be responsible when eating them.
11). Is there anything else you would like people to know??
Something I wanted to add was that I used to be a huge couch potato. When I was fat, my weekends and evenings were spent watching TV/movies and eating. The most important thing I’ve learned from my weight loss journey is that being active is FUN. I love it! Last year I ran my first 5K. Last month I participated in Reach the Beach (a 55 mile bike ride for charity) and kicked butt! I’m currently training for the Hood to Coast Relay Race. It’s a 200 mile relay race from Mt. Hood to the Pacific Ocean this August.
Wow!! Such a great story!! Please leave a comment and give Lisa some compliments!!! Wahoo!!!!
Update on me! My Mom, sister and I got hair cuts yesterday. We went out for lunch and had a great time. Before my haircut, my hair was long (about 4 inches below my shoulder and no bangs, I went for kind of a reverse bob!)
Your hair looks super cute!
Awesome weight loss story – I love the “after” pic!
Awesome Lisa!! That’s fantastic! Though, I think it’s so sad that friends get jealous like that when a friend starts looking healthier and sexier? But I don’t think you’ve even lost any friends…because sounds like they never were friends to begin with. In either case, congratulations, Lisa!
Hee hee, love the daughters and mommy pic with the cute bangs!
Congratulations Lisa on the weight loss!
Love the haircut and color you all look great:)
Three beautiful ladies! Congrats to Lisa. I like how she said “when I finally decided to get healthy, I was VERY determined. I did not waiver in my determination. ” Made me think that I need to get determined and just finish this thing!
oh i love this! how inspiring! thank you for sharing and for coming to my blog 🙂
I love Lisa’s after picture – so great! 🙂
Hey Jenn. Love the pics of you and your sister and Mom. You all look great!!! I really like your haircut. Now when are we getting together this summer????
wow, what a great story – thanks for sharing this about you!