99% of the time, I bring my own food to work. Whether its leftovers, or a wrap, of stir fry that I make. But, I have had now power the last two days at my house due to a storm in the Chicago-land area. A few hundred thousand people lost power, so I don’t feel alone, but it has put a cramp in my healthy eating routine! I cook every day, or bake something, so its been hard to come up with things to eat, not only for me and my husband but for my kids. I went to the store this morning to get snacks and soup for them (my stove still works, you just have to light the burner with a match). I bought for myself the Simply Asia noodle bowl and I have to say, I love it. As I was eating it at my desk at work, I thought it would be even more fantastic if I could have added shrimp, some pea pods, shredded carrots, maybe some broccoli slaw. By adding those things, it would still be healthy, plus you get more veggies in! For the whole bowl (check the packaging, because sometimes depending on the brand it is actually 2 servings in 1 bowl, I’ve made that mistake before!)
- 258 calories
- 2.7 fat
- .5 fiber
I figure that’s not a bad lunch, if you have a yogurt and a piece of fruit with it.
So, I am crossing my fingers that my power is on when I get home, so I can get back in the kitchen!
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