And, normally we get Dunkin Donuts for birthday breakfasts and this year I asked my husband if he could make eggs and turkey bacon and skinny bagels, and so that was my birthday breakfast instead of donuts!
AND I walked to and from work yesterday which is 3 miles. It was in the low 60’s and GORGEOUS!! Too bad today its snowing, but at least we had a beautiful week of warm sunshine!
I was watching Guys Big Bite on Food TV and he made this fantastic looking frittata. One thing I like about weekend mornings, (besides sleeping in) is making a totally deluxe breakfast that I normally don’t have time to make before work.
I kept thinking about that frittata and I figured I could make a healthier version (his had real bacon, tons of cheese, potatoes that were fried, etc…)
I got out my small skillet and put in a few tablespoons of red onion and 2 slices of turkey bacon which I chopped up.
Next I took a potato and cooked it on the baked potato setting in my microwave. Chop that up and add it to the pan.

Then I sprinkled salt and pepper and paprika in the skillet. Add 1 egg with 2 egg whites (which have been beaten) and pour that over the top.
I kind of cooked it like an omelet, just peeling back the sides and letting the uncooked parts spread to the edge. After I thought it was cooked on the bottom, I took a plate and put it on top of the skillet and turned the skillet upside down, and placed the uncooked sides on the bottom of the skillet so that side would get cooked. Here’s what it looked like after I flipped it over:

To finish it off, I added a half ounce of Kerry Gold Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese. It’s only 30 calories and 2 grams of fat per half ounce!.

It was so awesome!! With a great cup of coffee, I got to enjoy a nice healthy breakfast to start my weekend!

AND the nutritional information isn’t too shabby either!!

What healthy breakfasts do you like to make on the weekends?
I’ve never made frittata before! Yours looks totally yummy!
Lately I’ve been craving french toast! I may have to make some this weekend!
That frittata looks so good – nice work getting the calories down to a reasonable amount. The flipping of it would scare me, but your way makes it sound doable. But where is the Tabasco? (lol, I’m just channeling Biz for ya!)
I have found a great comparatively inexpensive fruit stand, so we have been eating a banana, an orange and even started eating mango for breakfast… one each, cut up and mixed with a little vanilla yogurt… a great meal for two
really good, right before you go out and snorkel around your back yard…
But a frittata before trudging through the snow sounds OK too
So sorry I missed your birthday! Happy belated birthday!! I like to make whole wheat pancakes on the weekends! And sometimes I add in a few mini chocolate chips.
I always make a big breakfast on weekends too! Love this frittata – it looks so tasty!
I’m not a big breakfast eater unless it’s for lunch or dinner! I love frittats, but have never flipped mine! I just put a lid on it and let it cook 10-20 minutes depending on the size (single for me, or huge one for several servings for dinner). My cousin actually finishes hers in the oven, but I don’t have a pan that is safe to go from stovetop to oven!