It’s Sunday evening and I had a no computer weekend!! It was on purpose too. It was my daughter Claire’s birthday yesterday, she turned 8 and we had people over for dinner to celebrate. It was so much fun! A lot of cleaning and wrapping gifts and cooking, but it was all worth it she had a great day!
It’s always great waking up at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday to start opening presents!
She loved the Snuggie we got her! And it came with soft socks too!
Believe it or not, I didn’t take any pictures of the food! I was having so much fun talking in the kitchen, and cooking that I never got my camera out! I made taco’s which is so easy to make for a crowd.
Weight loss update!!! I weighed myself on Friday and I was down another pound, which puts me officially at -18.5 pounds! Now part of me is ecstatic that my hard work is paying off, the other part of me doesn’t want to backslide and gain it all back again which I have done over and over again so many times.
So, this week, I am upping the ante and making it a goal to work out a little BEFORE work, nothing major, maybe a 20 minute video on demand or something, just something to get my body going.
One thing I still haven’t done very well, is to do as good on the weekends as I do during the week. I have been doing AWESOME during the week, but I still tend to eat a few more things than I want, AND I have been lazy and not worked out at all the last few weekends.
Any tips on how to keep going over the weekends, and not undo what you’ve done all week, would be greatly appreciated!
I finally found the Arnold Thin bread that everyone has been talking about. So my favorite breakfast this past week was an egg sammy!
1 arnold thin
1 slice reduced fat swiss cheese
honey mustard
1 egg “fried” in Pam cooking spray
This kept me full all morning and is only about 230 calories!
My other favorite breakfast this week is my trusty oatmeal.
1/2 cup oats
2 cups water (I like mine creamy!)
1 banana
sugar free syrup drizzled on top
2 TB. ground flax seed
This comes in at 300 calories and is a HUGE breakfast.
So, on tap for this week:
Still write stuff down that I eat
work out every day
ride bike to work if its not too cold out
plan ahead the night before
I hope everyone had a great weekend! 🙂
I almost forgot!
One thing I wanted to share with local Chicago people is a link to a web site with Turkey’s you can order for Thanksgiving from farms in the area.
Check out this site for local places you can order a turkey!
If you aren’t familiar with Slow Food, there are chapters all over the United States. They promote sustainable farms, eating whole, fresh foods, getting families back to the table as well as a healthy lunch initiative in which they are asking for our help.
Go to this link to read more about it and see how you can help!
Happy Birthday to Claire!
On the weekends, I like to hit the gym with my boyfriend B, it makes it more fun..maybe you can convince some of your family to exercise with you, or all do something together, like ride bikes or hike?
On the weekends I like to get in extra excerise. We take our dog to the dog park and instead of letting him just do his thing, we run with him and let him try to catch us. Our dog has tons of energy so I am always on the move.
Congrats on the weight loss – awesome!!
I tend to do “badly” on the weekend because I drink on weekends. But I keep it up with the food, continue tracking and try to work out on Saturday or Sunday! Also, lots of water helps me, and packing snacks if i’m going to be out and about!
Happy Birthday Claire! We had a bizzy weekend too: Indy was packed with non-stop, marching band action.
Happy birthday to your daughter!
That’s a great tip on the local farm turkeys… well done on that…
Tip for the weekend diet, plan ahead the quiet meals (ones not with family and friends). Stick to the lowest cal items for those quiet times, and save the points or calories when it gets noisy.
I have a hard time getting much exercise in over the weekends, too. I’m thinking about making up an excel spreadsheet listing things I should do (i.e. jumprope, crunches, etc.) and putting it right by my computer as a reminder.
Love the pic of Claire in her Snuggie – what a cutie! Sounds like her birthday was memorable!
Congratulations on losing another pound – you are doing great with this!