I was introduced to Jim through one of my readers Jenny who was a successful Weight Watcher who made goal last year (she was a little too shy to be featured here), BUT, she immediately told me that her friend Jim had lost 120 pounds so far, and I contacted him to see if he would like to be a part of my weight loss series. I was happy he said YES! I asked him my standard questions and I thank him for his honesty and applaud him on his efforts so far!
1). What was your “Aha” moment when you decided you needed to do something about your weight?
My Aha? It was a couple months after my 39th birthday. I realized I didn’t want to be fat, bald, and middle aged. The only thing I could change was the hair or the weight. I think rugs and plugs look bad so, I was left with weight.
2). What type of program did you follow to lose weight, did you count calories, watch portions, weight watchers, etc???
I used Weight Watchers. My friend Jenny and her friend Nora were having excellent results. I normally eat out on Fridays with my friend Jenny and I saw she was eating real food and losing weight. I asked her what diet she was on and she said it was not a diet, but a “new way of life”. So she encouraged me to come to a meeting and join. Best thing ever. I do have to say that Weight Watchers actually taught me how to eat. I follow the plan with my own food. I do not buy the prepackaged Weight Watchers food. You can eat more if you eat fresh foods not prepackaged and/or processed foods.
3). Had you tried to lose weight in the past – were you successful when you tried?
I have tried many times, but always gained weight back. I had lost about 70 pounds once and it was all back in a matter of a year.
4). How do you find time for yourself to concentrate on losing weight?
All I had to do was find time to shop and cook. That was only a couple of hours a week. I used to eat out a lot because I am lazy. I watched a little less TV. Also when I started to lose weight and eating better foods I found I had more energy and was more willing to find the time.
5). What kept you going? Were there times where you wanted to give up?
My success kept me going. I have not wanted to give up. I have had a very successful go at it this time. And I think I have the tools to keep it off.
6). How has maintenance been, is maintaining harder than losing weight?
I am not to the point of maintenance. From what I have reviewed I don’t think maintenance will be hard. I could be wrong.
7). Did you exercise while losing weight, if so, what do you like to do for exercise.
I didn’t do any exercising until I lost about 65 pounds. That was in March of this year. When the weather broke I started to walk on lunch. I started with ½ mile. Now I walk about 2 miles on lunch four times a week and do 3-5 miles on Saturday and/or Sunday schedule permitting.
8). What are some tips that helped you along the way?
If your food comes in a bag and or is handed to you through a window don’t do it. I have not gone through a drive through in almost a year. I have not gone to a McDonalds or Burger King in as long. McDonald’s buns are full of sugar. When I do cheat it normally is a smaller portion or a different selection than I would have chosen in the past. Watch your sodium intake it makes you retain water. You need to eat 5-6 servings of veggies and fruits they keep you full and are normally low in calories.
9). Did you have people in your life that weren’t positive towards the changes you were making?
No. Everybody I know has been more that ecstatic about my loss. My boss offered to buy me lunch everyday because he doesn’t want to be the third thinnest person in the office. I am only 4 pounds away from his fear.
10). What was a typical eating day like when you were heavy?
I used to eat two big meals a day. Some days meals were larger than I would like to admit.
11). What is a typical eating day like now that you are eating healthier?
I eat three meals a day and 4-5 snacks a day. I feel like I eat all the time. In the past I could go forever with out eating. Now I need to eat all the time my body craves the fuel at snack and meal time. I have to plan to have snacks with me if I am going to be out and about.
The last question I asked him was what he can do now that he couldn’t do at 120 pounds heavier. Here are his candid answers:
*I can stand for more than an hour with out back pain.
*I can put my pants on standing up with out falling over.
*I can wear clothes I have not worn for 20 years.
*I can stand on a ladder with out fear of it breaking or my ankles hurting within a few seconds.
*I can get on a scale and not be depressed.
*I can get out of bed and into the car in one fluid motion.
If you’ve missed the other 15 people who I’ve interviewed, click HERE to read their inspiring stories!
Thanks so much Jim for being a part of this, keep up the great work!!
That’s some impressive progress, Jim. Keep it up!
Love this series Jenn, thanks for sharing!
Congrats Jim, you rock!!
Hooray Jim you are famous now!
It’s hard to believe anymore that it’s really you in the first picture. Your success is so inspiring.
Congrats to Jim! This is such an incredible story. Most people don’t have that kind of willpower!
I just started Weight Watchers so this story is very encouraging…Nice Work, Jim!
This is great! And inspiring! I love when his friend tells him it’s not a diet, but a “new way of life!”. It really is, and I think that by switching our minds to thinking that it IS a new way of life, or a lifestyle change, in place of dieting – it becomes more realistic. Keep it up!
Congrats to Jim!
Great interview, Jenn!
Wow, what an amazing story – congratulations, Jim! So true about the meals in bags/car windows – boy was that my downfall!
Hi Jenn,
Just wanted to say how much I LOVE your blog, and what an inspiration you and the folks you feature are! THANK YOU!!!!!!
Nice work Jim! Bet you’re looking forward to the boss realizing your the third thinnest person?!
Amazing! Congratulations to him and thanks for featuring such an amazing guy.
So inspiring!! Very nice! I love the part about getting to eat “real” food and still lose weight. I used to think food only came out of a drive through window!!
lovely guy,well done looking very handsome, your an inspiration to millions of people
all best
Dang man what happened to the other half of my brother! Right on Jim!
Not so big eater anymore! Huh?
I am so proud of Jim. He has worked hard, even asks me to save wrappers so he can figure out what he can have and stay where he needs to be.
He even threw out some buttercream frosting, which he really likes, because it was to much for the points he had.
As he entered our kitchen today I thought he was one of my other boys who has always been smaller till I looked up. It will take a while to get use to our new Jim, but what a THRILLING CHANGE!!! Keep up thr good work. Make your goal.
Hey Jim, all I can say is wow great for you. I’m not sure I’d have recognized you on the street. Unfortunately I’ve gone the other way and you probably wouldn’t recognize me. Maybe this will be the year I get out to see you. Love your cousin Kim.