The last 3 weeks I chickened out. There is a free class taught every Sunday at 4:30 in my town. I had no excuse. But every Sunday, I would not go. Why? Because I was scared. I was nervous I wouldn’t be able to do it, I didn’t want to look stupid, what if it was too hard, etc… But yesterday I said “I’m going!” I got on my bilke and rode over to the studio.
Once I walked in, there were a few women already there. The teacher seemed super nice and told me where the mats were. I got there about 10 minutes early. My heart was pounding, I watched women walked in with those awesome yoga bodies, and I was a little intimidated for sure!
But, once the class started, and even though I wasn’t as flexible as some of the others, I was able to do most of the poses and it felt great! The hour went by in no time flat and it was awesome!
So, I conquered that fear, and I will be back again next week for sure!
One of the things I couldn’t do was a headstand…there were several women who could do this:

Have any of you conquered a fear, whether it was entering a race, or tried a new class, or gotten out of your comfort zone?
I feel like i’m conquering mine one run at a time – every time I just can’t believe I can do it – and go even further. It’s still a fear though!!
That pose looks like tough stuff!
Congratulations on finally getting to a yoga class – I have been wanting to try it, too – but haven’t had the courage to find one and go.
I guess my fear is still running – every time I run a race, I don’t think I will be able to run all the way to the finish…and yet, so far, I have been.
Good for you on the class…
hmmm… tough question for me… I am at an odd point in my life right now… ask again in 6 months
My biggest fear was probably going swimming in the local pool three years ago. I wouldn’t go till I was under 280lbs. I’m at that same point again. Guess in a week I’ll have no more excuses as I weighed in at 283.6 this morning 🙂
I tried yoga 3 times and it was pretty good.
Yeah John! That’s awesome, keep up the good work!! -Jenn
Great job conquering your fear, and going to the yoga class!! That’s so awesome! Everyone starts somewhere. Those women didn’t come out of the womb being able to do that stuff! ;D
That head stand is insane!
I am proud of you Jenn! Where did you go? I would be way too intimidated to go to a yoga class right now.
You have a life coach? Interesting.
I think that the BIGGEST thing you did was to walk into the doesn’t matter if you could do the handstand or not – most people can’t 😀
Great job!!! I am sure once you do a few more classes you will start to love it 🙂